Dr. Mark H. McFarland
Chiropractic Physician
447 North Bluff Street
St. George, UT 84770
(435) 656-1300
Did you know that Thomas Edison had 1093 pending patents?
Thomas Edison's Inventions have made profound impacts on society. So many of Thomas Edison's inventions are held in such high regard that he is considered the greatest inventor of all time.
The more well known inventions of Thomas Edison:
The Light Bulb
Motion Pictures
Electrographic Vote Recorder
Magnetic Iron Ore Separator
Thomas Edison was definitely before his time in many areas of science. With this type of knowledge on such a young man - it should not be taken lightly the phrase...
"The Doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
(Thomas Edison)
Chiropractors make sure that their patients are well-adjusted, keeping the nerve channels open allowing your own body to have the ability to heal itself. Chiropractors work to restore and increase the immune system in the body.
What about the Titanic sinking and your symptoms?
The first
words out of your mouth were probably, “What does the sinking of the Titanic
have to do with my health?" The
connection is the “nature” of an iceberg in comparison to your symptoms.
Since the sinking of the Titanic,
icebergs have always been associated with sinking a ship. These amazing structures jut out of the sea
and are something to behold. The part
below the surface is even more breathtaking. Its size above the surface is
small in comparison to the portion that is unseen beneath the surface.
Symptoms are like icebergs. The top is only a small indication of the
real problem below. Pain is only the tip of the iceberg. Pain is just a warning sign. Most patients
don’t understand that we focus on the “cause” of your pain. An imbalance in your body can cause pain, but
masking your pain with medication will not return your body to a state of
balance. Do the following experiment to
better understand this point. It’ll only
take a few minutes and you can do something else during this experiment.
First of all, find a rubber
band and twist it around our index finger…tight.
2. Then do something for about 10
minutes, and leave the rubber band on your index finger without pulling or
tugging on it.
What happens to your finger after 10
minutes? What does it feel like after having the rubber band wrapped around it
the entire time? Did it turn red and start hurting? Could you tell that your
finger had something wrong with it? Is this pain a symptom or not? So what do
you want to do about this new found pain caused by direct pressure from the
rubber band? You have several options to deal with the pain you are now
Ignore it and hope that it
gets better since it’s a pain symptom.
Wiggle the finger to
temporarily relieve your pain.
Take Tylenol or Advil, or some
other brand of painkiller to cover it up.
Cut off your finger. Remove
the pain with surgery.
Unfortunately, all these options
have pros and cons, but none of the reasons above actually deal with the CAUSE
of your pain. The best thing to do in
this case is to remove the CAUSE of the pain, the RUBBER BAND! The rubber band symbolizes interference to
your nervous system. Once the interference (rubber band) is removed, the body
starts to heal itself and returns to a normal balance.
The crew of the Titanic could see the tip of the iceberg,
but it was the part they could not see which actually caused the Titanic to
SINK! How often are you checked for subluxations? Be sure to get regular
chiropractic adjustments. Your health depends on it. Don’t just go by your pain
or symptoms. You could have an underlying problem that only chiropractic can
So get in tune with your body and take a little advice from Mr. Thomas Edison; get your spine checked for nerve interference today and start getting back on the road to health!
(435) 656-1300
"Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases."
Hippocrates (the father of medicine)